MÉT Hírlevél 2015/15. szám

MÉT HÍRLEVÉL 2015/15. szám 2015. július 20.

Dear Representatives of FEPS Member Countries,


It is my great pleasure to inform you that the joint meeting of FEPS with the French-speaking Physioloical Society will be organised in Paris, France between June 29th and July 1st, 2016. The call for symposia proposals is now available through the following link (http://physiologie.smartactif.com/actualite/actualite-12-feps-2016-paris-first-call-for-symposium-proposal.html) and also at the FEPS web page (www.feps.org). The deadline for symposia proposals is September 30th.


Look forward to seeing you in Kaunas later in August and receiving yor symposia proposals for the FEPS Paris meeting.


Best Wishes


Prof. Dr. Bayram Yilmaz

FEPS Secretary General


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