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The 11th International Symposium on Cell/Tissue Injury and Cytoprotection/ Organoprotection (ISCTICO), joint meeting of the Hungarian Society for Experimental and Clinical Pharmacology (HUPHAR) and IUPHAR GI Section will be hosted by the University of Pécs, Hungary, between October 7-10, 2020 in the Episcopal Granary Visitor Center in Pécs, Hungary.

PecsThe Symposium follows a range of internationally acknowledged and highly successful series held in Heidelberg (1986), Boston (1989), Long Beach (2000, 2006), Yalta (2008), St. Petersburg (2011), Honolulu (2012), Budapest (2014), Krakow (2016), and recently in Kyoto (2018).

The history of ISCTICO originates from Andre Robert’s concept of ‘gastric cytoprotection’, which led to extensive investigations in the area of tissue/cytoprotprotection. The Symposia provided an international forum for discussing the most recent findings on mechanisms, pathogenesis, manifestations and prevention of gastric mucosal lesions.

More details on the 1st announcement and on the website.

Prof. Dr. Zsuzsanna Helyes
Chair of the Symposium,
HUPHAR Secretary General

Prof. Dr. Klára Gyires
Co-Chair of the Symposium,
President of the IUPHAR GI Section
