MÉT Hírlevél 2011/4. szám
MÉT HÍRLEVÉL 2011/4. szám 2011. február. 7.
Dear FEPS Colleagues,
As you know, FEPS 2011 Congress will be organized at Yeditepe University, Istanbul, between September 3-7, 2011.
Congress web page (www.feps2011.org) is updated and now open for online abstract submission. Online registration will also soon be available after getting confirmation from the bank for online payment.
Congress posters (seen on the main page) will be printed and sent to the FEPS member societies by the end of February.
Selected symposia for the scientific program is now on the web page.
Early registration and abstract submission deadline is May 20, 2011.
All related information will be added or updated on the web page.
Look forward to seeing you in Istanbul.
Best Wishes
Prof. Dr. Bayram Yilmaz
Chair, Local Organising Committee
Yeditepe University
Medical School
Head of Department of Physiology
Kayisdagi Cad
34755, Istanbul
Tel: +90 216 578 0675
Fax: +90 216 578 0575
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