MÉT Hírlevél 2015/16. szám
MÉT HÍRLEVÉL 2015/16. szám 2015. augusztus 24.
Tisztelt Tagtársak!
Ungvári Zoltán professzor (Department of Geriatric Medicine, University of Oklahoma Health Sciences Center) kérésére tájékoztatjuk a Tagtársakat az alábbi publikációs lehetőségről. A befogadható közlemények spektruma kiterjed a lehető legtágabban értelmezett mikrocirkuláció területére.
Czirják Gábor
a MÉT titkára
I am writing to inform you of the special collection of papers on "Small Vessels - Big Problems: Novel Insights into Microvascular Mechanisms of Diseases" that will be published in AJP-Heart and Circulatory Physiology. You can find the Call for Papers for this special issue at http://www.the-aps.org/mm/Publications/Journals/AJP-Heart/Special-Calls/Small-Vessels-Big-Problems.html. The deadline for submission is January 15, 2016. The special issue is open to both original research articles as well as review articles.
Small Vessels - Big Problems: Novel Insights into Microvascular Mechanisms of Diseases
Guest editors Dr. Anna Csiszar and Dr. Akos Koller, along with the editorial team of AJP-Heart and Circulatory Physiology, invite submission of original research articles related to the pathophysiological role of microvessels in the development of a wide range of chronic diseases and disorders. The length of the microvessels in an adult male may be as long as 100,000 km. Recent research using a variety of experimental approaches has provided novel insights into common cellular and molecular pathways by which structural and functional impairment of this immense microcirculatory network contributes to the pathogenesis of various age-related diseases and disorders of the heart, brain, eye, kidney and skeletal muscle. We welcome submission of studies using a variety of experimental approaches, including in vivo studies, investigations using isolated microvascular preparations and cultured microvascular endothelial and smooth muscle cells and pericytes. We are especially interested in manuscripts addressing the role of microvascular mechanisms in impaired delivery of oxygen and nutrients, dysregulation of tissue perfusion and blood pressure, inflammation and impaired transport and barrier function. We also welcome manuscripts focusing on mechanisms and consequences of microvascular endothelial dysfunction, altered secretory function of microvascular cells and impaired regulation of arteriolar vasomotor function and addressing the relationship between microvascular health (including autoregulation of blood flow, capillary density, blood brain barrier integrity, neurovascular coupling mechanisms) and the pathogenesis of diseases of the central nervous system (including neurodegenerative diseases, stroke and vascular cognitive impairment). Authors are also encouraged to submit manuscripts focusing on the pathogenic roles of lymphatic microvessels.
All manuscripts accepted from this Call for Papers will be included in a unique online article collection to further highlight the importance of this topic. The article collection will also include specially commissioned Review articles.
All manuscripts should be submitted online to: http://ajpheart.msubmit.net/cgi-bin/main.plex
During the online submission process, under the "Keywords & Special Sections" tab, please use the "Category" drop-down menu and select “Small Vessels - Big Problems".
Manuscripts will undergo normal peer review as they are received. Accepted manuscripts will be published online as they are received. Articles published from this Call for Papers will be highlighted with a special “Call for Papers” banner on the article PDF, as well as included in the “Small Vessels - Big Problems” online article collection at time of publication.
Manuscripts must be submitted by January 15, 2016 to be eligible for inclusion in this Call for Papers. If you have questions please contact Kara Hansell Keehan, Executive Editor, via email at khkeehan@verizon.net.
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