MÉT Hírlevél 2014/23. szám
MÉT HÍRLEVÉL 2014/23. szám 2014. október 27.
Tisztelt Tagtársak!
Csernoch László tagtársunk, a MÉT elnöke javaslatára tesszük közzé az alábbi felhívást:
Dear FEPS Members and Friends,
It is my pleasure to inform you that call for symposia is now open for FEPS 2015 Congress to be held in Kaunas, Lithuania between 26 and 29 August 2015. Please find the attached form. Congress web site can now be viewed at www.feps2015.org
We would be grateful if you could kindly send the call for symposia to members of your societies and distribute among your colleagues. Please note that deadline for symposium proposals is November 1st, 2014 and we hope to be able to evaluate the proposals in November and publish the program online in early December.
We would be particularly pleased if symposia organisers could attend the details for speakers' gender and age balance and geographical spread.
Thank you for your co-operation and support and look forward to seeing you all in Kaunas next August.
Best Wishes
Prof. Dr. Bayram Yilmaz
FEPS Secretary General
Yeditepe University
Medical School
Vice Dean and
Head of Department of Physiology
Kayisdagi Cad.
34755, Atasehir, Istanbul
Tel: +90 216 5780675
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A Szerkesztőség.